Jet noise reporting has been expanded in the region. San Juan County agreed to expand the collection of noise reports through their website for all impacted regions. We now have an experienced volunteer in extracting the data and assist in reporting. In addition, SDA is organizing a citizen science effort to collect noise measurements to cover more locations and verify Navy measurements. One of the issues that the Sound Defense Alliance has fought for is having the Navy disclose the actual noise level of Growler jets, and not just computer models. We know that the models and the analysis in the EIS significantly understate the impacts. With the support of our elected officials the 2020 National Defense Authorization mandates that the Navy conduct real-time noise measurements and make all of the data public. The Navy is now talking with local elected officials to develop a list of locations and the procedures. SDA and Quiet Skies has asked for a seat at the table before and during the work. Currently the SDA is moving forward to monitor noise from the Growlers through a program developed by volunteer Chris Hurley and acoustic researcher Lauren Kuehne. The final monitoring plan, which will include between 8 and 12 sites, is being developed with input from regional volunteers, with a planned start date of mid to late June. The primary goal of the project is to measure noise in residential areas and the geographic extent of noise for Whidbey and surrounding residential communities. The information collected will be presented to elected officials alongside the Navy generated data.