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Restoring the Balance

Join us in advocating for the health and safety of the people and places of the Pacific Northwest by getting the Navy to relocate their EA-18G Growler jets while refocusing the Naval Air Station at Whidbey Island (NASWI) to modern, environmentally sound, innovative missions.


Sound Defense Alliance works to protect communities and the natural environment from harmful Navy Growler jet activity around the Salish Sea, Puget Sound, and Olympic Peninsula.

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Members & Affiliates of the Alliance


Friends of the San Juans

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

Marrowstone Island Concerned Citizens (MICC)

National Parks Conservation Association, (NPCA)

The Next Generation Action Alliance

The Orca Network

Protect the Olympic Peninsula (POP)

The Sierra Club, North Olympic Chapter

The Sustainable Economy Collaborative (SEC)

Washington Environmental Council, (WEC)

Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

Whidbey Environmental Action Network, (WEAN)

Whidbey Island Quakers

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